Sunday, January 18, 2015

Winter, Winter, Solstice, Winter, Winter, Winter

I don't celebrate the traditional Christmas...I'm more of a Pantheist than a Christian and  hate all the Commercialism and guilt associated with the season...all the hoopla IS a way to pass the dark days before the Winter Solstice starts tipping the earth back toward the sun.

My West Coast family and I Love reasons for cooking and sharing food, so here are my end of December 2014 pictures.
A few days in the twenties in December, frost on the ground cover

A cold day at Ediz Hook

Looking across the harbor at Port Angeles, snow on the mountain tops and a few days at sea level

Celebratory Latkees...I LOVE potato pancakes any season

A two-table celebration at Doug's house in Seattle

Sarah, Serene, Connie, Hugh

Seren'e Cupcake Creations...she is an artist of cake!

Amal and her mom, who now lives nearby

David, Brian, Doug

Doug and Thayer cooking...Thayer is getting GOOD!

Lots of busy food prep going on

Thayer cured salmon and made potato latkes to go with...Very, Very Good!

Multi-tasking in the kitchen: Thayer, Serene, Amal

A small wall piece of my Mom and Dad in the Forties for Serene

One for Thayer of Dad at sixteen with a beloved train

Typical winter foggy day from the window where I sit at my computer

 I'm trying to put the dark days to good use, although sometimes the gloom gets me down. I finally broke my way into the process of making an eBook combination of DOLL MAKING AS A TRANSFORMATIVE PROCESS, the book, the class, and lots of additional information and images I've gathered over the last 10 years....I LOVE learning new skills!

My friend, Barb Kobe, is encouraging me along, to become known on Pinterest because a woman from Paris saw one of my fabric journals there and ordered my eBook on that topic.

Birthday Deal: 2 books and a kit and free shipping for $20

And to do my Birthday Deal above. Fast approaching my 68th birthday...and having more time at home is motivating me to clean out boxes of books, kits, patterns, and anything else I can probably do without.

The North Peninsula Surface Design group is having a show at the Port Angeles Library, so I've been making wall pieces (small, so they won't take up much space to store)...but every day a few more pages on the book...Stay Tuned!

Forest Dream...using up the Good Stuff!