Monday, November 28, 2016

Thanksgiving NW--2016 Traditional themeIy

Our version of Aunt Arlene's frozen green salad. I used organic food dye and Doug decorated
The first Thanksgiving that I moved to Port Angeles, my family told me that I would have the honor of hosting Thanksgiving in perpetuity. When David started bringing Brian along, he began the tradition of themed Thanksgivings. We've had everything from All Pies, to Thanksgiving on a Stick, to Mexican, and French.
My house is well suited to many in the kitchen and open communication with those in the living room.
This year we chose Traditional Thanksgiving...or bring something you remember from your youth. Amal didn't celebrate Thanksgiving as a child in Palestine, but she brought a traditional salad. Connie brought an unbaked squash pie, which her family celebrates as pumpkin. Brian brought canned gellied cranberry sauce and 2 cans of pitted black olives for using as finger puppets.

The Brothers communicate with other family

members far and wide...Thayer in DC, Steve and his group in Chicago, Mom in Iowa...and more
We really, really tried hard to be conservative in the food and amounts, but I still have a refrigerator full for the coming week. As always, everything was delicious, and it was really good to spend almost a whole day together...maybe not since Easter. Even though we live closer together now, being together under the same roof is still rare and precious.

Don't forget: Katie and I will be showing at the Sequim Prairie Grange Holiday Bazaar 9-2 on Saturday, 12/3. Stop and Shop, see what we've been working on.


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