Monday, September 26, 2016

More, More, More

Continued from my other blog:

I made a second many-legged doll in order to prepare the pattern for my pattern book. This one is seated

The original Many Legged Doll can stand

Monday Blogging
Like Saturday washing
Becomes part of the nature of the day

12-inch version

3" version over Golden Products experiment...nicely abstract, which sometimes I have trouble doing

The original life drawing for this week's series of nudes

Another project I've been working on:
The Print-On-Demand version of
Now available on Amazon
in the Kindle version

In my urge to downsize,
I've found examples of
Altered books incorporating
Ancestor Images...very helpful now:

Cover of Ancestor Altered Book, using Xerox copies with colored pencil, Apoxie Sculpt for the the textured face on the spine

Ancestor altered book built on a 1910 book about homesteading, highlighting some of the original images in the book

Altered Ancestor Book with faces and talk balloons added over original illustration of a house, cutouts on the next page, so the faces will show through

See More at:


Blogger eileen2000 said...

May I suggest that you make this a link? Makes it easier for someone to do it while they're thinking of it.

"Another project I've been working on:
The Print-On-Demand version of
Now available on Amazon
in the Kindle version"

9:04 PM  

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