Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Another Step Closer to Fame and Fortune...

Well, I'm not expecting that, although a bit would be nice. Thanks to brother, David, we have a picture of Tracy and Lynn at Fraker/Scott installing Woman's work and a couple of my new nudes for the opening of Art des Femmes, for viewing during Seattle's Art Walk, 4/7/11 and through the month of April.

I and Pam Mummy will both be giving artist talks on Saturday, April 16th between 6pm and 8pm...come and help celebrate years of stitching involved in my 9.5 foot tall sculpture and other wonderful art work by and about women in a gallery owned by women. maybe I'll wear my Hot Flash Skirt!

So much of being known as an artist is about having the ability, time, and boldness to do effective self-promotion. Most of the time I'd prefer to sit home and just Make Art...a true
Outsider Artist in part of my being....and yet, and yet, it is
awfully exciting and satisfying to see others seeing what I've done...and to get the work out of the house and into the world.

Thank you, Kim Tinsley, for loving my know I love your work, too. I worked on another painting yesterday on my day off, and hope to finish Saturday. I know I get better the more I do, and I really do love defining my self/time/life with art! Thanks for watching!



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