Sunday, March 08, 2009

Time Shifted

Time raised its head and shifted suddenly today, waiting for no man…or woman…to emerge slowly from the winter’s darkness and slow progress. Time is a construct, and the others have decided that it’s Time to Wake Up, Daylight Savings Time…so, I have to get up in darkness again...and at the end of day the outdoors calls again…end of slow musing, painting, inventing. Everything shifts.

Blizzard with sideways snow yesterday, then it melted and snowed again today.

The crocus are READY! Like me, pushing through snow to blossom and get on to the next phase.

By afternoon all the snow is gone...and I'm back to projects in the studio, woring on patterns for Soft Dolls and Animals Magazine.

Why do I feel that I have to be PRODUCTIVE
ALL the time? We need time to play and to

feed our Creative Souls. That's why taking time out to
walk and to play are SO IMPORTANT!

Yesterday I went back to the travel journal I started on my trip last EAST summer and enjoyed hours In the Zone, pasting pictures and making patterns, and remembering all that we did.

I listened to a tape of GOD SAVE THE SWEET POTATO QUEENS, which is very philosophical and all about enjoying Life and telling our friends we love them. Even though my costumes are usually much less flamboyant than their hot pink and sequins, I do have a Tiara in my bathroom, and a red feather boa in the closet.

Being 62 years and One Week Old, I am trying to Set a Good Example for my Self, most of all, but also for my family, friends, students...and anyone else who might be stopping in. Finding our True Selves and being true to that Self and Helping others as much as we can...Also stopping to listen and see what they actually want help with...that's a Worthy Mission for the next several decades, don't you think?

I celebrated my birthday for two weeks, saw two plays, two movies, two beaches, and went on a day trip with two friends, Sally and Katie, to celebrate Katie's first day of Retirement.

Along the way we saw this troll fence...along with a troll castle and several other troll-themed homes in the same small neighborhood. I had such a good time, I forgot to take any more pictures!

I must say, I do think that creating an entire neighborhood of trolls is a worthy way to spend one's life!!! don't let me get too serious about completing all my self-imposed chores!!!

Check out Margi Hennen's new website:

Every time I see her dolls, I go "WHY didn't I think of that!!! But it's really no good to be jealous of our friends' creativity and successes. On this International Women's Day, it's Very, Very Important to Celebrate Women Everywhere and all of the wonderful things that we do.

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