Sunday, August 21, 2011


My desk is covered with To Do lists...I am so optimistic on Sunday morning, that the list items will be completely crossed out before the reality of Monday morning and back to the money-making job looms...oh, well, my Expectations are bigger than my capacity to Accomplish them I'm human. Now that I have a new credit card processing machine, I want to make my web-based gallery So Enticing that the orders will start pouring in. Still on my list is to post pictures of all the items I have described, especially the paper dolls.

I had some great side trips this weekend: Wonderful Weather, A bonus day in Seattle with Katie and Mike, a visit from the man, Casey Groff, who built my wonderful house with some fresh halibut for me. Cody is now 5 and was born just three days after I moved in, 5/5/06.

I promised I'd post a free pattern, so will at least do that:

Drag the image onto your desktop and enlarge to fit on 8.5" x 11" for printing. Send pictures of what you do.

Kelly Philage Koch of SOFT DOLLS AND ANIMALS is going to publish the article I wrote about making the Big Doll (9.5 feet tall) who is now wrapped in plastic and living in my garage...I believe the March issue, but keep watching for all the other great articles and patterns.

Please visit the Gallery section of my website at for lots more patterns and that fall is coming, time to start a sewing project. Also check out my online classes, including Three-dimensional doll design on



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