Sunday, August 19, 2012

What Will You Do When You Retire?

Layers of materials and meaning
My good friend, David Carris, is a financial planner, and he endures my frequent shaky question, "Will I ever really be able to finally retire" with good grace, reassuring me, but at the same time encouraging me to keep some money rolling in for the next 5-10 years.

I talk with my patients about what their plans or experiences of retirement might be...I have a built-in captive audience to question.

Collage faces, I'm making a bunch.

We often hear stories of the (especially man) who
retires, and then has the fatal heart attack.

Some of my audience have been retired for 
decades, and "have never been busier." 
Our town and many like us across the country
retire on their citizens' volunteerism to run animal shelters, visitor centers, food banks, arts events, and more.

Others may be financially secure, but don't have
a clue what to do with/for themselves, "I can't just sit
and watch TV all day."

Making Art for Joy!

Life Any age...requires a multitude of problem solving and thinking at many levels.

I know that what I want to be able to do is to make ArT all day, every day, but How do I get there from here?

                Comments, Please!


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