Sunday, April 13, 2008

Good News!!! 4/13/08

Aaron Edwards of just fixed the problem that was keeping people from ordering from my shoppin cart over the last week or so. Aaron and Sarah are the VERY BEST tech hosts/problem solvers in the World, no UNIVERSE!!! and I am Forever Indebted to their brilliance and ever-ready willingness to solve my problems, even the dumb ones.

Other Good News is that after 6 or more weeks of battling viruses and bacterial of unknown origin but super-human strength, I am now back in the Land of the Living and multitasking again...but hoping to have learned something from my enforced nothing is worth stressing about TOOOO much...especially now that we've had two sort of sunny and warm days in a row.

I have been working on new pieces for the joint show with Rosie Rojas in San Antonio in June. I will give you more preview peeks later.


Blogger Winky Houle Cherry said...

I enjoy your work.
Are you by any CHANCE the same Pam Hastings who went to Hinsdale Highschool 1957 - 61.
I remember a very creative Pam.
regardless..we went in the same direction. I have sewing books with Palmer/Pletsch and have worked with Viking.

Winky Houle Cherry

9:46 AM  

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